AGM 2020
Our AGM (adjourned from original date due to COVID) took place on September 10th at the Hoop and Grapes pub, but also in a PASALB first via ZOOM.
We updated our constitution.
We raised a glass to absent friends and remembered in particular “Chairman Bob”.
We announced the winner of the PASALB Fantasy League, and received an update on the Jack Leslie Campaign, as well as receiving reports from the Chair and committee officers (chair’s report here)
The Minutes from the 2019 AGM were approved (here)
We elected a Committee.
We were joined (via Zoom from USA) by Argyle Club Chairman Simon Hallett, who set out his vision for the club and ambition to secure Argyle’s future as a sustainable Championship side.
We agreed in principle (subject to member support) to sponsor a player in the Argyle Ladies Football team. This season, when it is unlikely that London-based Argyle fans will get to see their team in action, members are encouraged to support the Ladies team when playing in the South-East. New committee member Chris Spice will be leading on this. We are building a relationship with the team, and are looking to sponsor a player. The fixture list is here https://www.pafc.co.uk/matches/fixtures/, and pencil in Portsmouth away for a start!
Chairman’s Note
This year we will not be producing a travel guide for obvious reasons. Instead, we will produce a PASALB souvenir booklet incorporating your favourite memories and anecdotes from following Argyle away. We will message you about that soon, but start thinking now!
We will do our best to put on social events as possible in the current situation. We still remain proudly committed to supporting Plymouth Argyle Football Club. In recent years and this we have sponsored players, the manager, a match-ball at Home Park, and the Jack Leslie statue campaign -where PASALB will feature on the plinth as a “key supporter”.
To continue doing this, we need your support-starting of course with renewing your subscriptions. I am delighted to confirm that once again we are freezing our subscription at £10
Thank you all for renewing (and if you have not, please do so now) , and for being part of the PASALB family- keeping London Green!
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